Ritual Gypsy

Dragon's Blood Sage Warrior Within Ritual Wand With Obsidian

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This Dragon's Blood Sage + Obsidian Arrowhead ritual wand grants you an unyielding shield and a blazing spirit to conquer all that opposes your path.

OWN YOUR POWER! Burn dragon's blood sage to cleanse, heal, set boundaries and protect.

The obsidian arrowhead serves as a symbol of protection, strength, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity.

FAQ from Ritual Gypsy

Where is the sage sourced?

Their white sage comes from the mountainous regions surrounding California where it is grown on private property, handled very carefully, and then gently prepared into bundles after it is picked. The workers know to only pick the top stalk of the plant so that more sage can continue to grow from that plant. When the sage is picked, little pieces of the sage plant fall to the ground and new sage plants are born.

What are the benefits of burning sage and other herbs?

Sage has a long history of use in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicine. In traditional Native American culture, burning sage is also thought to cleanse people of negativity and promote healing, wisdom, and longevity. Dried sage is burned as a way to heal, protect, increase wisdom, and boost self defense against disease. 

How do I smoke cleanse my space myself?

  1. Open a window or door before you start burning your wand. This allows the smoke to exit. 
  2. Gather your supplies: Ritual wand, fireproof vessel, fire source
  3. Remove crystal and tag
  4. Before lighting your wand, set your intention for your ritual. Intentions are a central practice of smoke cleaning, so take this moment to determine what you would like to cleanse, purify, or release from your space. Use your crystal to deepen your ritual by speaking your intention in to it. Then, decide what your mantra, prayer, affirmation to repeat during your smoke cleaning ritual that encapsulates your intention. 
  5. Light the bottom end of your ritual wand. Light your wand at a 45-degree angle over your fireproof vessel. Let it burn for about 20-25 seconds and then gently blow out the flame until you see embers. If it stops smoking again try relighting it. 
  6. Slowly walk around your space. Gently waft smoke with your hand, fan or feather to guide smoke into corners. Speak (internally or aloud) and repeat your mantra, prayer, affirmation during this time. 
  7. Extinguish your ritual wand. Once your smoke cleansing ritual is complete press the burnin end of your wand firmly into your fireproof vessel, bowl, shell, or sand until it no longer smokes. When you are done using your wand you can keep it on display until you are ready to use it again.