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Cedar Mountain Studios

Cedar Mountain starts with a story. It goes like this. Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Boy (Don) is a theatre designer from Winnipeg with a burning desire to make and sell wooden birds. Girl (Suzanne) is a teacher in training from Vancouver with no ideas whatsoever about wooden birds. Boy and girl go on a date, share a bottle of wine and their hearts crack open. And that's when the Cedar Mountain story started.

They got married, bought a house, and had three fabulous children. In the meantime the flying wooden bird business expanded and succeeded. They had 40 employees, a busy factory and were selling products in big-name stores. They worked double shifts seven days a week, lived in the fast lane, and kept up with the Joneses.

Then in January 1993 they visited Salt Spring Island for a getaway and decided to move. Apparently this isn’t uncommon. Soon after they closed the studio in Vancouver, hopped on a ferry and launched Cedar Mountain Studios in a new location.

Almost forty years have passed, and they have made thousands upon thousands of products in their  backyard workshop and this company is still at the center of it all. Operating a successful business on Salt Spring Island is part of their personal story. It’s frenetic. Every single thing that leaves their studio is authentically Don and Suzanne. It's absolutely overflowing with passion and made with love.

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